147 research outputs found

    Vapor–Liquid Equilibria of Nitrogen + Diethyl Ether and Nitrogen + 1,1,1,2,2,4,5,5,5-Nonafluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)-3-pentanone by Experiment, Peng–Robinson and PC-SAFT Equations of State

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    The saturated liquid line of the systems nitrogen (N2) + diethyl ether and N2 + 1,1,1,2,2,4,5,5,5-nonafluoro-4-(trifluoromethyl)-3-pentanone (Novec 649) is measured along three isotherms, that is, 390, 420, and 450 K and 360, 390, and 420 K, respectively. The employed gas solubility apparatus, based on the synthetic method, allows to measure points up to the critical region of these mixtures. The experimental data are used to correlate the Peng–Robinson and PC-SAFT equations of state (EOS). For the parametrization of the system, N2 + diethyl ether the Peng–Robinson EOS is combined with the Huron–Vidal mixing rule and the non-random two-liquid (NRTL) excess Gibbs energy model; for the system N2 + Novec 649 the quadratic mixing rule is used

    Diffusion Coefficients of a Highly Nonideal Ternary Liquid Mixture: Cyclohexane–Toluene–Methanol

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    To better understand diffusion phenomena in highly nonideal ternary liquid mixtures, cyclohexane–toluene–methanol is studied by equilibrium molecular dynamics (EMD) simulation. Intradiffusion and Maxwell–Stefan (MS) diffusion coefficients, being strictly kinetic properties, are predicted by EMD over the entire composition range at ambient conditions. The thermodynamic contribution to the Fick diffusion coefficients is studied with an excess Gibbs energy model. Predictive results from the combination of these two approaches are in convincing agreement with experimental Fick diffusion coefficient data. Different aspects determining the composition dependence of diffusion coefficients, such as their behavior at the binary limits, hydrogen bonding, and stability criteria, are discussed. While the intradiffusion coefficients exhibit only a weak composition dependence, the MS diffusion coefficients are strongly affected by the nonideality of the present mixture. Fick diffusion coefficients reveal pronounced diffusive coupling effects and are mainly governed by the thermodynamic contribution, especially in the vicinity of the miscibility gap

    Thermodynamic Speed of Sound Data for Liquid and Supercritical Alcohols

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    Because of their caloric and thermal nature, speed of sound data are vital for the development of fundamental Helmholtz energy equations of state for fluids. The present work reports such data for methanol, 1-propanol, 2-propanol, and 1-butanol along seven isotherms in the temperature range from 220 to 500 K and a pressure of up to 125 MPa. The overall expanded uncertainty varies between 0.07% and 0.11% with a confidence level of 95%. The employed experiment is based on a double path length pulse-echo method with a single piezoelectric quartz crystal of 8 MHz, which is placed between two reflectors at different path lengths. Measured speed of sound data for the four alcohols are fitted with double polynomial equations and compared with literature sources

    Kirkwood-Buff integration: A promising route to entropic properties?

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    Kirkwood-Buff integration (KBI) is implemented into the massively-parallel molecular simulation tool ms2 and assessed by molecular dynamics simulations of binary liquid mixtures. The formalism of Krüger et al. (P. Krüger et al., J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 4: 235–238, 2013) that adopts NVT ensemble data to the μVT ensemble is employed throughout. Taking advantage of its linear scaling with inverse system size, the extrapolation to the thermodynamic limit is analyzed. KBI are calculated with standard radial distribution functions (RDF) and two corrected RDF forms. Simulations in the NVT ensemble are carried out in the entire composition range for four Lennard-Jones mixtures, studying system size dependence by varying N = 4000, 8000 and 16000 molecules. Moreover, four mixtures of “real” components are considered with N = 4000. Thermodynamic factor, partial molar volumes and isothermal compressibility are calculated from KBI and compared with benchmark data from NpT ensemble simulations. The assessment shows that the formalism of Krüger et al. greatly improves KBI and that extrapolation is important, particularly for smaller systems.BMBF, 01IH16008E, Verbundprojekt: TaLPas - Task-basierte Lastverteilung und Auto-Tuning in der Partikelsimulatio

    MolMod – an open access database of force fields for molecular simulations of fluids

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    The MolMod database is presented, which is openly accessible at http://molmod.boltzmann-zuse.de and contains intermolecular force fields for over 150 pure fluids at present. It was developed and is maintained by the Boltzmann-Zuse Society for Computational Molecular Engineering (BZS). The set of molecular models in the MolMod database provides a coherent framework for molecular simulations of fluids. The molecular models in the MolMod database consist of Lennard-Jones interaction sites, point charges, and point dipoles and quadrupoles, which can be equivalently represented by multiple point charges. The force fields can be exported as input files for the simulation programmes ms2 and ls1 mardyn, GROMACS, and LAMMPS. To characterise the semantics associated with the numerical database content, a force field nomenclature is introduced that can also be used in other contexts in materials modelling at the atomistic and mesoscopic levels. The models of the pure substances that are included in the database were generally optimised such as to yield good representations of experimental data of the vapour–liquid equilibrium with a focus on the vapour pressure and the saturated liquid density. In many cases, the models also yield good predictions of caloric, transport, and interfacial properties of the pure fluids. For all models, references to the original works in which they were developed are provided. The models can be used straightforwardly for predictions of properties of fluid mixtures using established combination rules. Input errors are a major source of errors in simulations. The MolMod database contributes to reducing such errors.BMBF, 01IH16008E, Verbundprojekt: TaLPas - Task-basierte Lastverteilung und Auto-Tuning in der PartikelsimulationEC/H2020/694807/EU/Enrichment of Components at Interfaces and Mass Transfer in Fluid Separation Technologies/ENRICOEC/H2020/760907/EU/Virtual Materials Market Place (VIMMP)/VIMM

    Comparison of macro- and microscopic solutions of the Riemann problem I. Supercritical shock tube and expansion into vacuum

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    The Riemann problem is a fundamental concept in the development of numerical methods for the macroscopic flow equations. It allows the resolution of discontinuities in the solution, such as shock waves, and provides a powerful tool for the construction of numerical flux functions. A natural extension of the Riemann problem involves two phases, a liquid and a vapour phase which undergo phase change at the material boundary. For this problem, we aim at a comparison with the macroscopic solution from molecular dynamics simulations. In this work, as a first step, the macroscopic solution of two important Riemann problem scenarios, the supercritical shock tube and the expansion into vacuum, were compared to microscopic solutions produced by molecular dynamics simulations. High fidelity equations of state were used to accurately approximate the material behaviour of the model fluid. The results of both scenarios compare almost perfect with each other. During the vacuum expansion, the fluid obtained a state of non-equilibrium, where the microscopic and macroscopic solutions start to diverge. A limiting case was shown, where liquid droplets appeared in the expansion fan, which was approximated by the macroscopic solution, assuming an undercooled vapour.DFG, 84292822, TRR 75: Tropfendynamische Prozesse unter extremen Umgebungsbedingunge
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